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Fingerprint tattoos

Tattoos are a way to express feelings and emotions, to show beliefs and individuality.

A fingerprint tattoo is a current solution that is popular among people of different gender and age. It is an easy way to personalize the body image and make it unique. The reasons for making a tattoo as a fingerprint:

  • To show love.
  • A reminder of special people who have played an important role in life.
  • Preserving the memory of beloved ones who have died.
  • Create an exclusive body decoration.

The talented master will accurately create a unique body image. The fingerprint tattoo reflects the grooves, curves and protrusions present at the fingertips. This is the personal identifier of the person that distinguishes him/her from all other people. There are no two absolutely identical prints. This tattoo literally means part of the person.

Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos

Different fingerprint tattoos

One of the common themes is fingerprints made in the shape of the heart.

Each half of the heart is created from the fingerprints of lovers. It turns out that in one body image the fingerprints of two people, who are connected by close relationships, united. This design helps to express love and demonstrate emotional attachment to a partner, children or friends.

The expression of romantic feelings through the art of tattoos is a proven and reliable way that inspires residents of different continents. The fingerprint tattoo is incredibly personal. This design is something more than the usual romantic drawings and inscriptions. Design options:

Single thumbprint or another finger imprint.

Several imprints placed inside the geometric figure - triangle, circle, square.

With additions in the form of stars, moon, sun and other symbols.

With names, dates and quotations.

Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos

The fingerprint of the loved one on the body means his/her touch, which remains with you forever.

Having chosen this design, you will always carry a piece of the beloved with you. Usually in addition to the impression are the initials of the beloved one, date of acquaintance or marriage.

Finger impressions are used to fill the contours of different objects, animals and plants - flowers, leaves of four-leaf clover, balloons, cats, dogs, tigers. Depending on the type of body image the tattoo acquires a special meaning. So, the butterfly tattoo means hope, change for the better, new beginnings, inner freedom and harmony.

It’s perfect for couples’ tattoos. The advantages of the solution can be attributed to the small size, which allows you to place a footprint in any part of the body. Another plus - exclusivity. Absolutely identical tattoo is impossible to find. Fingerprint tattoos are also suitable for filling the free space within the framework of creating a large-scale composition.

Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos

To understand how suitable, you are this kind of body art, you need to make a fingerprint on paper.

In this format, design experiments are available before you transfer the image to the body. To get an impression on paper, you need to put your finger in ink and press it against the sheet.

A handprint tattoo is commonly used to emphasize love for children. The baby’s palm imprint is small enough and does not take up much space on the body. This amazing design will help to keep the memories of the most pleasant moments in life, even when the child grows up. Fingerprint tattoos are more likely to be placed on the shoulders, chest and back.

Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos
Footprints tattoos

Footprint is one of the popular body art options.

Usually, people tattoo on the body in the form of footprints of the child to celebrate his/her birth and emphasize their tender feelings. Children quickly grow up. The footprint of the baby will remain on the body forever, will help to keep pleasant memories of an important moment in life. The footprint tattoo is suitable for parents, grandparents and other close relatives who were inspired by the event.

The design can be varied by adding the initials and the date of birth of the child. An alternative design is the special arrangement of footprints when together they form butterfly wings. Additions in the form of angel wings or halo evoke associations with an innocent and beautiful being.

Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos
Fingerprint tattoos

Another variant of the design is a tattoo in the form of a footprint of the Buddha, which means spirituality and sublimity, the way to self-knowledge and self-improvement.

Other interpretations are finding a life path, making important decisions, following a mentor, hope. The body painting represents the Buddha’s presence in life, the patronage and protection of higher powers, the ability to remain calm and peace of mind.

The footprint tattoo on the sand is a well-known Christian symbol that means that God is constantly walking by, pointing the way and helping to deal with troubles. This design symbolizes hope and support for every Christian believer.

Tattooing footprints can mean a love of adventure and camping. Additions in the form of country and city names will help to demonstrate and preserve the memory of travel. Other interpretations - moving forward to the goal, consistency in decision-making.

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