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Eagle tattoo: types of sketches, meaning and styles

The eagle is a symbol of freedom and patriotism in many cultures.

Eagle tattoo sketch is represented by numerous solutions that allows you to choose the option based on personal preferences. Often masters create the head of a bird in profile. A popular variant is hunting or soaring eagle.

Eagle tattoo
Eagle tattoo

Eagle tattoo and its meaning

The multiple meanings of eagle tattoos are reduced to patriotism, willpower, masculinity, focus, power and dominance.

The depiction of the bird is traditionally the mascot of America, symbolizing freedom and a keen eye for the future.

The eagle and its feathers play a special role in Native American Indian culture. Native American tribes got body images of the bird to emphasize nobility, strength and bravery. Such tattoos take on additional meaning depending on the context and style of performance.

A proud, powerful bird is an example of determination and fearlessness in the symbolism of the Persian kingdom and ancient Egypt. In Egypt, the eagle is depicted on the royal seal. In Christian religion, salvation and liberation are personified. The image of the eagle is present on the coat of arms of Poland, Mexico, Albania, Serbia and the federal states of Germany. The main meanings are:

  • Wisdom and farsightedness.
  • Safety in life situations and adventures.
  • Significant achievements.
  • Protection and protection.
  • Divine connection with the higher forces.

Each person additionally puts his/her meaning in the tattoo. The task of the master is to show the individuality and special meaning of each sketch.

Eagle tattoo
Eagle tattoo
Eagle tattoo

Different designs

Eagle tattoos vary in size, location, color and style.

Common eagle tattoo sketches:

  • Bald eagle. It is a traditionally American emblem, which is associated with patriotism and freedom. The tattoo sketch is often supplemented by the American flag, the Statue of Liberty, and other symbols of America. In Indian culture, the bald eagle personifies transcendence - transcendence of physical existence and dominance in the other world views.
  • A soaring bird means perseverance and hard work, pride and nobility.
  • The Feather. It is a symbol of courage and bravery. In Indian culture, it serves as a shield against trouble and evil spirits.
  • With wings spread and claws. A bird is ready to grab prey or slay enemies. It is a symbol of power and inexhaustible power.
  • The head. It represents dominance, power, and the ability to survive under any conditions. Other meanings are gracefulness, purity of thought, and fortitude.
  • The eye means the ability to clearly understand the situation and foresee.
  • The Screaming eagle represents the ability to stand up for your position and fight for rights.

The image of the eagle is often supplemented by inscriptions, other animals and objects. A bird and a snake can be seen together. It means a victory of good over evil, concentration and fearlessness. The snake is the perfect background for the wingspan of the bird. Together, they proclaim strength and superiority. The eagle that swallows the snake represents total control of the situation. The battle between the bird and the snake signifies internal contradictions.

Tattoos of eagle in combination with tiger, bear, wolf or lion are also very popular. A tattoo that unites two predators symbolizes undivided power and strong character. Wolves, bears, tigers and lions dominate the earth, eagles dominate the sky, which is a sign of total domination.

Eagle tattoo
Eagle tattoo


The main meaning of eagle tattoo is courage and nobility.

The body image is performed in different styles. Depending on the style, the tattoo will complement the spectacular, intimidating, threatening or optimistic image. Main styles:

  • Tribal. One of the most exciting types of body art. It shows a majestic bird that looks spectacular and impressive.
  • Traditional. The simplified tattoo is made by pigments of black and 2-3 pigments of bright color. It is distinguished by thickened, expressive black contours.
  • Neo Traditional. It combines the best features of classical tattoo with new perspectives of colorful design. This is the optimal choice for performing a large-scale image of an eagle flying in the air or spreading its wings on the back or chest.
  • Blackwork. To make the tattoo look serious and rigorous, it is worth choosing a black and gray style. Blackwork is optimal for creating powerful body images.
  • New School. Picture of a bird in the style of New School will not look aggressive and brutal. A body image is made in animated format and is more perceived as stylish decoration.
  • Abstraction. Tattoo is made in one line without clear borders and thickened contours. It is a modern version.
  • Graphics. Geometric style with thin lines and filigree details of the patterns is a way to make the aggressive pattern softer.
  • Realism. The realistic body image will show all the terrifying greatness of the bird.
  • Japanese. In Japanese culture, eagle is a divine bird and a favorable omen. In Japanese-style tattoos, the focus is usually on the claws and other fine elements of the body image.
  • Watercolor. The watercolor pattern looks picturesque and bright, softens the predatory atmosphere.
  • Fineline. The pictures are distinguished by a fine grace and grace.

Masters use different techniques - blending, 3D effects, point technique to create original drawings. Popular places for eagle tattoo - shoulders and forearms, wrists and neck, chest and shoulder. The body image of a bird is often can be chosen as a basis of the sleeve.

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