Tattoo quotes
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Tattoo quotes

The tattoo sphere is very popular today.

Many people tend to decorate their body with various images.

This service allows you to distinguish effectively from the people in the crowd, to emphasize your style, individuality and character. Among the many popular tattoos, widely in demand are tattoo quotes. Instead of any drawing, image or picture, a lot of women and men prefer to decorate their body with a beautiful inscription that has a special meaning for its owner. The quotes depict both a full-fledged tattoo and various additional elements. For example, the quote may be supplemented by a graceful bow, ribbon, pattern, or any other image. But in this case, it is important to choose carefully an additional element, because it should also fit the meaning of the saying. Well-chosen picture under the phrase, fully reveals all the designation of the tattoo. You can often find quotes in combination with numbers, in this way people memorise an important date for them. It can be a child’s birthday, a wedding day or any other equally important day for a person.

Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes

Tattoo quotes and their meaning

Word tattoos have many fans.

People get word-combinations, poems, foreign phrases and even entire texts on their body.

As a rule, word tattoos always have a clear message. People usually choose favorite quotes from books or movies; popular expressions; various slogans; names of beloved and close people; oaths and much more. It is important to understand that the choice of saying or quote must be approached quite seriously, let your phrase do not understand other people, but for you it should have a special meaning. For example, in the Buddhist religion, the monks put long prayers on their bodies. In this way they demonstrate the power of devotion and great faith in the Buddha. When choosing an inscription, you should carefully understand its meaning. Because decorating your body with just a beautiful phrase that you don’t understand is very stupid.

Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes

How to choose a quote?

If you are a fan of word tattoos and want to decorate your body with some phrase, it is important to choose the right text for you.

First of all, it is important not pay attention to the font, size or coloring, and it is important to understand the content of the phrase. As a rule, the inscription on a person’s body is a reflection of his/her views on life, inner feelings, emotions and values. When choosing a quote, a person demonstrates own life principles not only to him/herself, but to the whole world. The inscription should fully fit a person, reveal inner world, demonstrate own attitude to any things, feelings or to life. And after choosing a suitable phrase, you can think about the font and color theme of the tattoo.

Usually, people choose the inscriptions from books, songs, poems, movies, proverbs and so on and so forth. Most of the quotes chosen have a special, important meaning for the tattoo owner. A person perpetuates with these quotes not only important event of the life, but also those emotions that he/she felt at that moment.

Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes

Popular quote tattoo ideas

The most popular quotes are quotes in Latin, Chinese or English.

First of all, their popularity is associated with elegance, as phrases in English or Latin, look more beautiful. In addition, these inscriptions are more advantageous in terms of calligraphy. That is, there are many fonts for inscriptions.

As for Chinese hieroglyphs, their popularity lies in the originality of the image, as well as in the brevity of the text. One Chinese hieroglyph can be translated into Russian not only with one word, but with a whole sentence. The tattoo with Chinese hieroglyphs is really unique. It is so, because few letters have a huge content and deep interpretation.

Example of short inspirational sayings:

  • "Memento quod es homo" - which means in translation: remember that you are a man.
  • "Audaces fortuna juvat" - fortune favors the bold.
  • "Orra humanum est" - it is a man who makes mistakes.
  • "Veni, vidi, vici" - a well-known phrase 'I came, I saw, I conquered'.
  • "La via est un combat" - Life is a struggle.

Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes
Where to put a word tattoo?

Having chosen the quote for the tattoo, people have another task - to find the right place on the body to get it.

Theprase will look great on any part of the body. Be it shoulder, collarbone, shoulder, rib, hip, wrist, hand, leg etc. By the way, most celebrities decorate their body with various sayings. For example, "Quod me netrit me destruit" is the inscription on Angelina Jolie’s stomach, which means " What does not kill me makes me stronger ". Angelina Jolie’s body is decorated with several quotes that are placed throughout the actress’s body. The right hand is decorated with an Arabic inscription, which means "pursuit of purpose". The neck is decorated with the inscription "Know Your Rights". Jolie’s shoulder has a Buddhist prayer for protection. Undoubtedly, these tattoos effectively decorate the body of the actress and have an important role for her.

Another famous Hollywood actress whose body is decorated with different sayings is Megan Fox. On Meghan’s back is an inscription in the old English font, which means "we will always laugh at gilded butterflies". Another inscription is on the chest. The meaning of this phrase is something like a heartbreak from the first love. The lyrics are written by the actress herself and are written in the form of a poem.

Scarlett Johansson has a horseshoe on her ribs, just below her chest, with the inscription "Lucky You".

Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes
Tattoo quotes
How to choose a master?

Word tattoos have always been and are still popular, because in this way people express their emotions to the whole world.

But it is important to note that such tattoos look really spectacular and beautiful.Still, it is necessary to find a proven and qualified master. You may think that to create the inscription is not difficult at all, but this tattoo also requires considerable effort.

  1. First of all, it is important that all standards of sanitation and sterilization are respected.
    1. Your health is the most important factor that you should worry about. The master should always work in disposable gloves, observing all the rules of hygiene during the work process. The working cabinet should be clean, there should be disposable sheets or film on the couches and chairs for tattoos. Mandatory item are booths, in which should be both the master and the client. All working tools and equipment must be sterilized.
  2. The master’s experience is a very important criterion.
    1. By contacting a really proven specialist, you will get a beautifully designed tattoo, without calligraphy mistakes. After all, if there is a mistake in the saying, or the inscription will be sloppy, the tattoo will have to be removed and as a result you will spend even more money.
  3. Master’s portfolio.
    1. Before agreeing to work with the artist, be sure to review the portfolio of his/her works. Only then you will be able to decide exactly whether this specialist suits you, or you need to continue the search.
  4. Recommendations.
    1. A qualified specialist is obliged to provide a number of recommendations for the aftercare period. It is mandatory during the consultation. Moreover, the master should tell about peculiarities and contraindications to the tattoo procedure.

Word tattoos looks always superb on the body, emphasizing the personality of its owner and his/her life principles. So, thinking about what would begetting on your body, first of all think carefully about the choice of a specialist and the meaning of the chosen phrase.

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