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A comprehensive
guide on helix piercing

Despite not being a new thing, helix piercings have maintained popularity through the centuries.

Previously they were associated with specific subcultures, but today such piercings are considered trendy by many people. Now helix piercing is a good way for men and women to show their inner selves and stand out from the crowd.

helix piercing healing process

What do we know
about helix piercing?

Helix – is a cartilage piercing traditionally made on its upper part.

This elegant piercing allows you to wear a range of jewelry after the rehabilitation period ends.

Among the most popular helix piercing types are the following:

  1. Double helix piercing:
    1. Unlike traditional helix piercing, this type includes perforating two cartilage adjacents along the upper outer ear part;
  2. Triple helix piercing:
    1. As you can guess, it is helix piercing x3. This helix type is very popular among youth since it allows them to experiment with rings;
  3. Forward helix:
    1. It is also a piercing made on the outer ear part but on the closest cartilage to your face. It is believed to be quite a painful perforating experience but remains very popular even among celebrities. However, this helix variation is limited to short-stud jewelry.
  4. Low helix piercing:
    1. It is when the helix is placed slightly above the ear lobe – on the bottom part of the ear cartilage;
  5. Mid helix piercing:
    1. Something between traditional and low helix piercings usually placed at the middle of the outer ear cartilage;
  6. Anti-helix:
    1. The piercing is located on the elevated part of the ear's inner cartilage.

Note that we have mentioned just the most popular helix types. There are also other variations and piercing combinations that may be interesting for you.

helix piercing healing process
helix piercing healing process

Getting ready for the first piercing

Helix variations are rarely done as a first-piercing experience.

In most cases, people start with more traditional options like ear lobes. However, it doesn’t mean you can’t start with a helix.

If you choose such a path, know that cartilage perforations may be painful and require more extended aftercare. If you want to have a pleasant first piercing experience, you should get prepared:

  1. Choose the puncture site
    1. As mentioned, there are different helix variations, and most experts recommend starting with traditional types like upper, middle, and low cartilage perforations. Remember that forward, and anti-helix options will bring you more pain and discomfort during the rehabilitation period. What’s more, it will be a good idea to find pictures that depict your piercing expectations. It will ease communication with the master.
  2. Get to know the procedure peculiarities
    1. If you feel nervous about getting a piercing, try to find as much information about the perforating process on the Internet as possible. Firstly, the ability to predict the steps of the chosen specialist will help you take control of your feelings. Secondly, it will be easier to understand whether you deal with a professional, not an amateur.
  3. Make sure you are not under the weather
    1. Our body considers any skin perforations as significant stress. For that reason, it is pivotal to let your body focus on the main aftercare goal – whole healing. If you are sick, it is recommended to postpone your piercing appointment so as not to harm yourself.
  4. Find your specialist
    1. Although the helix piercing is not considered technically difficult, we do not recommend doing it at home. It would be best to find an experienced specialist with numerous successful cases. Ask for a portfolio, read customer reviews, and make sure your master applies only disinfected tools.

You may not know it, but the season also influences your perforation and aftercare experiences. It is better to make a helix piercing in spring or autumn. In summer sweat, dust, and dirt are more likely to get into the wound and provoke inflammation. On the other hand, in winter you are more likely to touch the piercing with clothes and prolong wound healing.

helix piercing healing process

Helix piercing aftercare: simple recommendations to avoid significant problems

To make a piercing without health damage, you must follow aftercare tips.

Note that cartilage is a delicate ear part that heals longer and provokes slight pain. The whole healing process may take from 6 to 11 months, depending on a helix piercing type, season, body peculiarities, and self-care quality. But it doesn’t mean you will experience unpleasant feelings during this period – pain usually disappears 2-3 weeks after the hole perforation.

7 days after the helix piercing

The first week after the perforating procedure is the most important. During this period, you should treat the hole with a disinfectant twice a day. It will help you remove accumulated bacteria and prevent inflammation.

Don’t be afraid if you feel swelling on the 3rd-6th day after making a piercing. It means the initial healing has ended, and now the body is trying to reject the foreign object. Unpleasant feelings will diminish after a few days.

helix piercing healing process
helix piercing healing process

Among other vital recommendations:

  • Buy saline at the pharmacy to make compresses – it will help you remove the secretions;
  • Separate the remaining crusts with a cotton swab;
  • Protect the puncture site with an adhesive plaster;
  • Try not to wash your hair for the first 3 days to protect the wound as much as possible from shampoo and balm;
  • Do not sleep on the side with a fresh piercing.

2 weeks after the helix piercing

The pain is likely to leave you 14 days after the procedure, but your piercing still requires attention. It is recommended to clean the wound with salted water salt (1/4 teaspoon of salt per 200 ml of liquid).

3 and more weeks after the helix piercing

Now you are ready to change temporary piercing to downsize – jewelry with shorter studs. After it, you are allowed to sleep on the pierced ear. Keep treating your wound with disinfectant a few times a week. If the pain doesn't diminish 21 days after the procedure, ask for a consultation from your specialist.

helix piercing healing process
Drawing the line

Helix piercing is a good way to add to your image.

Nowadays, ear jewelry is equally popular among men and women, so the variety of available goods may become a pleasant surprise to you.

Cartilage piercings are also safe, provided you choose a certified specialist and follow aftercare recommendations. Treat all preparatory and after-procedure steps seriously, and your ears will become an absolute masterpiece.

helix piercing healing process
helix piercing healing process
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