Dermal piercing:
everything you need to know
Dermal piercing (face piercing) differs in shape and location.
This is the most notable body modification that attracts the attention of others. Whatever kind of face piercing you choose, the first task is to find an experienced master who you trust. Any mistake will negatively affect the appearance and can provoke health problems - the development of an inflammatory process or an allergic reaction. Even after correcting the deficiencies, there may be undesirable consequences in the form of scars that will remain for life.

Face piercing: main types
There are about 100 punctures in different parts of the face.
Thanks to the variety of options, the prospects for creative experiments are enhanced.
Septum is one of the most popular types of body modification in the face area. The reasons for popularity are largely due to the universality of the puncture. Depending on the chosen decorations, the septum is absolutely invisible or visible and catchy. With such a puncture you can be a typical citizen in the day with conservative views on life, and in the evening turn into a rebel.

The lip puncture attracts attention to this part of the face, promotes increased sexuality and sensuality. There are virtually no restrictions on the placement of piercings. Available options include puncture:
- Upper Lip.
- Lower Lip.
- Areas slightly above the upper lip on the right (Monroe).
- Areas slightly above the upper lip on the left (Madonna).
- Upper lip (Smiley).
- Lower lip (Anti-smiley).
- Between nose and lip (Meduza).
- Two punctures on one side of the upper lip (Dahlia).
Choose a single or multiple piercing to wear multiple rings or labrets at once. Double lip puncture suggests different placement options - near the center or side, on both sides.
Lip piercing requires special aftercare and protection. It is important to prevent traumatic tissue damage during teeth cleaning or eating.

Single nostril puncture (Nostril) is one of the common options. Universal piercing becomes invisible if you wear studs or small barbells. To attract people around, choose prominent and original rings, spirals or studs.
As with the lips, the eyebrows are a suitable place to create a variety of modifications. Eyebrow puncture is horizontal or vertical, single or multiple. The location is different - closer to the bridge or the outer edge. To choose the best option, have a look at the works of the masters of «VeAn» salon. Healing period is 6-12 weeks. Common decorations for eyebrows are curved rods or rings.

Bridge is one of the quick-healing punctures. In most cases, the wound heals after 2-3 months, after which you can independently experiment with decorations. You should abandon this option if you wear glasses.
High nostril
High Nostril is a type of nostril piercing that people with piercing experience usually choose. More often they already have a punctured septum, bridge and nostril at the bottom. The solution allows to make the overall look more spectacular and striking. The healing period is about 2-3 months.

Despite popular belief, tongue puncture is a less painful type of puncture. The sensation that occurs when a master pierces a tongue is often described as a sense of squeezing. The level of pain is comparable to the sensations that appear when you bite your tongue while eating. The feature of the puncture is a strong swelling of the soft tissues immediately after the procedure. The tongue swells, which makes it difficult to eat. Usually swelling decreases or completely disappears after 5-7 days.
Usually, a puncture is done to create an imitation of «dimples». Piercing the cheeks emphasizes the attractiveness of smiles. More often, labrets are chosen as decorations. The peculiarity is the long healing process (up to 6 months), which is due to the great mobility of this part of the face due to the face expression and chewing. It is important after swelling goes away the master replaced the decoration with a smaller labret. Initially, due to swelling, a long barbell is installed. When the swelling subsides, the free part of the bar clings to the structure of the mouth, traumatizing the mucous membrane and teeth.
Usually, cheekbones are emphasized with micro-dermal - jewelry that is inserted into a shallow hole in the skin. The advantage of intradermal implantation technology is the ability to place the decoration in any part of the face - temples, forehead, chin. The lack of Microdermal procedure is a high probability of the embellishment displacement and falling out. Healing period is about 2 months.

How long does a face piercing heal?
The healing period depends on the type of puncture, it is 1.5-6 months.
The duration of healing is affected by factors:
- Individual features of the body.
- Quality of aftercare.
- Protection against irritating external influences.
For face piercing to heal quickly, it is necessary to daily process the wound and decoration with disinfectants. It is forbidden to touch the puncture and move the jewelry. It is important to follow the recommendations of the master. Change the decorations only after complete healing of the puncture.

Does face piercing hurt?
The degree of pain is an individual characteristic that depends on personal receptivity to pain.
There are a lot of nerve endings on the face, which helps to increase sensitivity. An experienced master selects areas that are located away from major nerves and blood vessels.
The degree of sensitivity to pain depends on the certain emotional state. If you sleep badly the night before, you may feel more pain than after a full night’s rest. Usually, the most painful are punctures of the nose and lips.

How much is a face piercing?
The cost of face piercing depends on the location and complexity of the puncture.
Double lip puncture, eyebrows, nostrils costs more than one.
Find out the exact cost at the free consultation in the «VeAn» salon.

Why do people do face piercings?
People make punctures on the face to emphasize individuality, express feelings and protest against standards.
Often the decision to make a piercing is due to the example of celebrities, beloved and friends. Learn about the types of punctures and decorations for consultations with the master of the «VeAn» salon.
The popularity of face piercing is growing, which is largely due to the change in public attitudes to this type of body modification. Today, punctures on the face are not perceived as something extraordinary or provocative. People with piercings work in offices, medical, and shopping establishments. Employers, when choosing a candidate, pay more attention to the personal qualities, competence and experience of the future employee than to the presence of non-standard face jewelry.

Face piercing: types of jewelry
The decorations are selected taking into account the location of the puncture.
Popular types of decoration - straight and curved rods, labrets, bananas and clickers, barbells and rings. To reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction, choose jewelry made of stainless steel, titanium, silver, gold and platinum.