Piercing Aftercare

recommendations for piercing

Piercing is a popular way to decorate the body.

The sought-after type of body modification allows you to show individuality and stand out among others. The service is in special demand among young people, who are characterized by a rebellious spirit and a desire to create an original image. Punctures are often located in the area of the eyebrows, lips, nose, ears and tongue. Puncture is an invasive procedure that requires compliance with health regulations. Deviation from the rules can cause the entry of pathogens into the body and the development of infection. Special attention is paid to treatment and aftercare. Following the recommendations of a specialist, you will be able to maintain health and ensure fast healing. Within a few days after the procedure, the injection site is regularly washed with antiseptic. You can buy special products for aftercare in the salons of the network «VeAn». The frequency of washing in the first two weeks is at least 5 times per day. Then, antiseptic solutions are treated once during the day for 1.5 months.

Caring for new piercings

The number of washes depends on the type of piercing. If you have made a pierced earlobe, healing occurs faster than in the case of cartilage piercing (tragus).

It takes an average 4-6 weeks to remove any signs of inflammation - swelling and redness. Complete healing of the puncture can be during 3-8 months after the session.

Our piercers in the tattoo salon «VeAn» will tell you how to treat the puncture site and what products to use. We can buy modern professional products - special solutions and ointments that simplify care and contribute to the rapid healing of the wound.

Caring for new piercings
Caring for new piercings

The procedure of processing:

  • Moisten abundantly the cotton disk or swab in antiseptic solution.
  • Attach the moistened cotton disk to the puncture site.
  • Wait until the crust is completely soaked.
  • Gently move the jewelry inserted into the puncture to get the antiseptic solution inside the wound.
  • Thoroughly treat the surface of the jewelry with a dipped tampon.

It is prohibited to treat the site of exposure with alcohol, iodine, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide and other substances that were not specified in our recommendations.

Caring for new piercings

Features of preparation
for the session and aftercare

For the healing process to be without complications, it is important to implement the recommendations of the piercer:

  • Not to smoke for 2-3 hours after the session.
  • Not to drink alcohol the day before the procedure and the day after the puncture.
  • Refuse to visit the pool and the beach, sauna and hammam until the puncture site is fully healed.
  • Be careful during hygienic water treatments. Hot baths are contraindicated. It is better to choose lukewarm shower.
  • Not to use decorative cosmetics on the puncture site - no foundation, powder, concealer or highlighter.
  • Not to touch the puncture site with dirty hands - it is better to avoid unnecessary touching at all.

In order not to injure the skin, you should not constantly touch the jewelry, push or pull it. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the surface of the decoration with an antiseptic agent, to remove the remnants of the ichor and crusts. The surface should be sterile.

Daily care is the key to fast healing and recovery of the skin. If you notice signs of inflammatory process, contact the specialist of the salon «VeAn». Piercer will identify the causes, point out the mistakes made during leaving, help to choose the products for treating the wound. In order to speed up the tissue regeneration process, vitamins and immunity-enhancing complexes are recommended during wound healing.

Caring for new piercings
Caring for new piercings

How long do punctures heal?

The healing process of the puncture depends on the location.

The duration of the period of skin recovery is affected by many factors - individual features, the presence of chronic infections in the body (caries, chronic tonsillitis, laryngitis, pyelonephritis). Wounds heal more slowly in people with metabolic disorders (diabetes mellitus). Approximate periods of puncture healing:

  • Earlobes - 4-6 weeks.
  • Tongue - up to 6 weeks.
  • Septum - up to 8 weeks.
  • Lips - 4-8 weeks.
  • Monroe - up to 10 weeks.
  • Labret - 8-10 weeks.
  • Bridge - up to 10 weeks.
  • Eyebrows - 8-10 weeks.
  • Nostrils - 6-8 weeks.
  • Belly button - 3-6 months.
  • Microdermal piercing (intradermal implantation) - 6-9 months.
  • Surface piercing (most of the jewelry is under the skin) - up to 9 months.
  • Nipples - up to 10 weeks.
  • Genitals - up to 5 months.

Regardless of the location of the puncture immediately after the session, an inflammatory reaction is observed. The body reacts to external effects by redness of the skin and swelling of soft tissues. Ichor and soreness are an adequate response of the body, which indicates the activation of processes of restoration of damaged tissues.

Caring for new piercings
When you need to
contact a specialist:
  • Visible redness and swelling do not pass within a few days.
  • A painful tightening of the skin formed around the puncture site.
  • High body temperature.
  • Discharge of pus (exudate of yellowish, white or greenish color).

If you notice such signs, do not delay a visit to the piercer or doctor. Sometimes symptoms of inflammation appear due to chemical irritation of the wound. To prevent irritation, avoid contact of the site puncture with aggressive detergents, other cosmetics products (hair care products, facial and body skin) and household chemicals (soap, shampoos, shower gels).

Caring for new piercings
Caring for new piercings
Piercing rejection

It happens that the jewelry does not suit and the process of rejection of foreign objects can be seen.

It often happens due to the wrong choice of the jewelry, which is made of low-quality metal and the process of oxidation in contact with moisture and air. Often rejection is accompanied by severe pain syndrome. If the pain is not felt, the signs will help to identify disorders in the healing process:

  • Expansion of the puncture with the release of clear fluid.
  • Itching and burning feeling, rashes and other symptoms of an allergic reaction at puncture site.
  • The interior of the jewelry is translucent through the skin.

To change the situation, you should come for free consultation in the studio «VeAn», where our specialist will determine the nature and causes of the disruption of the healing process. Usually, to solve the problem, you need to provide quality care of the puncture site and replace the decoration. You can choose the best care products in our catalog.

Caring for new piercings

To the puncture healed faster and without complications, you must follow the next rules:

  • Not to wear tight, close-fitting clothing if the area of puncture. It is better not to wear clothes made of coarse or hard materials. It is important that the fabric does not rub the skin at the site of piercing.
  • To reduce physical activity because it can cause injury at the site of puncture.
  • If you have pierced your ears, avoid contact with your hair. It is better to stop wearing headphones while healing cartilage and skin tissue.
  • Not to use cosmetics if there is a puncture on the face.
  • If you have pierced the mucous membrane of the mouth and lips, empty the oral cavity after each meal. For rinsing should be used special solutions, which will be recommend by our specialist.

For any anxiety symptoms that indicate inflammation or rejection of the decoration, do not self-medicate. The best solution - operative referral to the piercer or doctor. Our specialists will choose the best way to care for puncture.

Caring for new piercings
Caring for new piercings


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