A comprehensive
guide on freckle tattoos
Many children used to feel inferior because of freckles.
They tried to hide them and were secretly envious of peers with smooth and pale facial skin. Luckily, times have changed, and now people with freckles are really the trend. But what should a person willing to have freckles do? You will find the answer below!

Freckle tattoos:
how to beat the nature
Freckles are dark, tiny spots on the skin provoked by the sun.
Some people have them from birth, while others develop freckles gradually. The owners of such cute spots are often called “sun-kissed”, and nowadays, freckles are viewed as a privilege.
For those, who want to join this club, the beauty industry has an interesting option – freckle tattoos, also known as permanent makeup or cosmetic tattoos. The first thing you should know, is that's not the tattoo you are likely to think about!
Freckle tattoos are done with a very thin needle that doesn’t penetrate deep into your skin. Instead of this, a tattoo master makes spots that resemble freckles by depositing special pigments into the upper skin layer.

Freckle tattoo advantages
Since permanent makeup has a number of distinct features, freckle tattoos offer many benefits to their owners.
Let’s find out the most pivotal ones together!
Temporary solution
The best news for now – freckles tattoos won’t be with you forever. So, if you don’t like the results or decide to change your image, you will be able to manage it. Such tattoos usually last from 1 to 3 years, and the result duration depends on such factors:
- Ink quality;
- The depth of ink deposit;
- skin peculiarities;
- Aftercare period.
If you need to get rid of freckle tattoos earlier, you can make use of laser or saline tattoo removal. For those who have time, we recommend just waiting. The freckles will fade with time and virtually disappear. To gain a long-lasting effect, make sure you don’t violate the corrections schedule.

Minimal risks
Provided you choose a reputable tattoo artist, the risks of developing complications will be minor. However, you should remember that any skin interventions may lead to scars or inflammation. To avoid such a devastating experience, follow the aftercare recommendations and make sure you don’t have freckle tattoo contradictions.
Natural effect
Modern equipment in talented hands allows making freckle tattoos as if you were born with them. These tiny dots can add to your image and give a unique appearance to your skin. Note that tattoo artists always consider the client’s color type and mix pigments accordingly.

Getting prepared for the
freckle tattoo procedure
There are no specific requirements to people willing to get freckles tattooed on the face.
This procedure is available to everyone who wants to boost natural attractiveness. However, if you suffer from serious dermatological problems, it is pivotal to ask for professional advice from your doctor.
What’s more, before a freckle tattoo appointment, you are not recommended to sunbathe or consume alcohol and medicine that can provoke bleeding or longer skin healing.
During the procedure, you may feel mild discomfort and a slight pain that resembles the skin tingling or itching. If you can’t stand pain at all, ask a tattoo artist for a numbing cream to ease unpleasant feelings. The procedure duration depends on the number of freckles you want to get and usually varies from 20 to 40 minutes.

Freckle tattoos: aftercare essentials
Many people underestimate the importance of the aftercare period, but it defines 50% of the end result.
So, if you want to get a long-lasting effect, follow the tattoo artist’s recommendations.
In most cases, they include the following tips:
- Avoid direct sunlight and excessive sweating;
- Don’t take hot baths;
- Use SPF cream;
- Don’t touch the tattooed area;
- Be careful with such aggressive cosmetic products as retinol or acids
- Apply a thin layer of antibiotic ointment.
These simple things can help you avoid inflammation and insufficient pigment maintenance. The aftercare period usually lasts between 5 and 14 days. Remember that during that time, the tattooed skin may be extremely sensitive. The freckle tattoos might blush and peel.

Drawing the line
Freckle tattoos can make your skin look special and add to your confidence and self-esteem.
Permanent makeup allows you not only to boost your natural beauty but also to get a perfect effect – the size, form, and amount of dots you want to have.
What’s more, creative people who like to be at the centre of attention can experiment with the freckles. Apply unexpected colors, get hearts or triangles instead of spots – there are no restrictions.
The only must-do when talking about freckle tattoo procedure is to choose your artist responsibly. Make sure the person is experienced enough, and don’t forget to follow the aftercare recommendations.
Provided you cope with these tasks, you will get an elegant face decoration that won’t leave anyone indifferent.